Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Great divide Day 2,3,4

We stayed 2 days at each camp. Glad we didn't have to do that every day! Camp 2 was nice, cosy and secluded.  I found out that due to provincial RULES, that putting anything up that was not there before the rules were made was totally illegal and therefore we couldn't make a bench, or put up a ridge pole or anything!  But this camp had a couple of old tables and a ridge pole that we could put a tarp over to protect us against the rain while we were at the campfire.On the way to camp 2, we went over a ridge that overlooked the valley. Stunning view! Then we headed for the "Great Divide!"
Then we proceeded to go up to Carnarvon Lake.  This lake is waaaay up there and has chains imbedded in the rock so you have something to hold onto while going up and down. Needless to say, I thought I'd signed up for a horse ride, not a Mountain climbing hike! Well, I'm glad I wore my mountain runners, cause my cowboy boots would have gotten me killed!

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