Saturday, August 23, 2008

Anchor D Guiding & Outfitting Ltd.

Well, Tomorrow is the big day. Bright and early at the Anchor D.  Going into the Great Divide, somewhere...who knows exactly where. Click on the title for the website. Hope the bears stay away....and hope it doesn't snow! It's going to be great to get the heck out of this city! I need a break desperately! I bought a new G9 Canon cause my poor S80 bit the dust.  I also got a Canon A590IS as a back up, I don't want to be 7 days from nowhere, and have no camera! I'm taking the Colt cause the Olds is running it's battery down again. Don't know what is going on...but I want to be able to get home after. I'm parking way out in the bush somewhere apparently, at some trail head or other. 10 people on the ride, and 5 guides, dogs and somebody will have  a gun for bears! Stay tuned for pics I hope.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bear Encounter Survival Guide

Ok..These three books available at (Click Title). Absolutely a MUST read for anyone going into Bear Country.

Which I am next week!
This fellow is perhaps the leading authority on Bears, and pulls no punches when it comes to telling the truth about Conservationists Vs Preservationists. Bears are not declining in population they are increasing.  Why do you think there has been an increasing number of attacks lately!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Strathmore Rodeo

I went to this after a rather busy niteshift.  Good day, it didn't rain til after the rodeo. Cost $14.00 for rush seats. I thought they were better for photography. However they wanted another $24.00 for the Chuckwagon races on top of I took a pass. This is more than the Calgary Stampede for pete's sake!