Friday, May 30, 2008

Street Drugs

So... I attended a Street Drugs seminar at the U of C today. Very interesting. Found out if you give epinephrine to a Dextromethorophan probnably killed him. HMMMM. Look it up!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well I'm finally going back on the Ambulance!

After being on light duty for 6 months they are finally letting be go back on an ambulance. Completed all my "re-orientation stuff"...and now back to # 18 ambulance on regular 4 on 4 off shift. Not sure how a 14 hour nite shift is going to affect me after sleeping in my own bed for 6 months. I get physio until the 9th of June...then...that's it I guess. My finger is still very stiff and sore especially in the morning. It takes me a couple of hours of pushing on it etc to get it to work. But it is slowly improving. I'm using something called a "Power web" to strengthen my grip. It is a circle of plastic webbing that comes in various strengthes, and you squeeze it various ways to increase your grip strength. My guage is...can I get a comfortable C chord on the guitar. It is coming but not there yet.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I attended the annual general meeting of the Alberta College of Paramedics this weekend. I was disappointed with the turnout. Out of over 7000 people that belong to this organization only about 184 showed up for the meeting. This means that 184 people are directing the decisions of thousands of Paramedics in this Province. What do we have to do to impress upon Paramedics that they need to show up at meetings? What ever happens regarding their future of practice in this Province is in a few hands...mostly administrators might I add! I find this extremely distressing. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Funny how Paramedics are our own worst enemy! If the shit hits the fan you have no one to blame but yourselves!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

White Coat Black Art

An interview by CBC regarding the Halifax EMS/ Hospital system.
Click on the title for my reply.

Thursday, May 1, 2008 that is biggest threat

Check this'll scare the pants off you! Click on the Title.